Book Reviews: The Bad Guys #8 – Superbad by Aaron Blabey


Somehow, the Bad Guys have gone from time traveling to gaining superpowers in book eight of the series. Unfortunately for them, they have no idea how to use their new powers! Can the International League of Heroes help them to learn their powers in time to save the earth from Dr. Marmalade and the alien invaders? Or will Dr. Marmalade completely take over the earth and destroy the Bad Guys?

Somehow we’ve gone from saving chickens to facing aliens and dinosaurs and now we’ve arrived at superpowers. No idea how, but I’m not complaining! The characters have gone through some development and there are several new characters we’re introduced to from the League of Heroes. And the ending of this book has me excited for the next one. If you enjoyed the other books, this one is definitely worth reading!

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

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God Bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #38 – How Should I Think? by R.C. Sproul


In this book of the Crucial Questions Series, author R.C. Sproul takes a look at the way we as Christians should think in light of our salvation. With a heavy emphasis on logic and the rationality of the Christian faith, Sproul showcases the philosophies that have come about because of the Christian’s search for logic and meaning in the beliefs he espouses. If you have ever wondered how you should think rationally about your faith, this book is a great starting point for understanding some of the deeper philosophical ways of reasoning for your faith.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God Bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #37 – What Does it Mean that God is Sovereign? by R.C. Sproul


The sovereignty of God is an issue that has been debated in the church for a while now. The questions are numerous and extensive. How does God’s sovereignty interact with human free will? What is He sovereign over? And on and on. In this booklet, R.C. Sproul takes a serious look at this serious question, and he begins to explain it in a way that the common man can understand. If you need a starting point for the questions you have about the sovereignty of god, this is the booklet for you.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God Bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #36 – Why is There Evil? by R.C. Sproul


The question posed by this book, why is there evil, is an interesting subject that is more complex than it seems. In this Crucial Questions booklet, R.C. Sproul takes a philosophical and biblical look at this question and breaks it down into easy-to-comprehend terms that the average person can read and understand. If you want to know about the question of evil and how it relates to Christianity, this is the book for you. It’s good for seekers, new Christian’s, and budding scholars.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God Bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #35 – What Is the Gospel? by R.C. Sproul


Jesus told his followers to go out and spread the gospel, so a very important question would be this: what is the gospel? In one of the longer entries in the Crucial Questions Series, R.C. Sproul answers this question by reviewing and explaining the affirmations found in the famous document “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: An Evangelical Celebration.” Using clear language, he goes over all eighteen points to explain clearly what the gospel is. This booklet has crucial information about what is and isn’t the biblical gospel, and so I would recommend this to new Christians as well as seasoned Christians.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #34 – What Is Biblical Wisdom? by R.C. Sproul


In today’s world, everybody has access to almost limitless knowledge. But knowledge is not wisdom. And though many cultures have compiled lists of proverbs and sayings of wisdom, that doesn’t mean it’s biblical wisdom. Take a look at the group of books in the Bible known as the Wisdom Literature with R.C. Sproul. As he looks at what wisdom really is, where it comes from, and the variety of wisdom found in different books of the Bible, it becomes clear that true wisdom is from God. If you’re a new Christian who wants to learn wisdom or an old hat who needs a refresher, this is a short, easy read that will point you in the direction of God’s Word along with a snippet of the types of wisdom you will find there.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #33 – How Can I Live by Faith? by R.C. Sproul


Faith is an important aspect of the Christian life. But how exactly are we as Christians supposed to live by faith? R.C. Sproul takes a look at what faith is and how to live by it. In his clear, careful style, he discusses what it means to live by faith, to die by faith, and the importance of being faithful in our lives. This book is a great introduction to the basics of faith, and it’s perfect for new Christians and Christians who might need a refresher.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #32 – What Is Predestination? by R.C. Sproul


Predestination is one of the most controversial topics amongst Christians. R.C. Sproul tackles this subject with clarity and understanding. He is firmly in the Augustinian camp instead of the prescient camp, but he makes some compelling arguments. If you want to understand the reformed view, this is a great book to start out with. It also offers a small view of the prescient camp, though I would recommend more study to more fully understand the opposing view. Still, this is a good starting place for this hot button issue. Recommended for all Christians.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #31 – How Does God’s Law Apply to Me? by R.C. Sproul


Many Christians today don’t see the point in God’s laws in the Old Testament for them in the New Testament covenant. But is that true? In this book from the Crucial Questions Series, R.C. Sproul explores the laws of the Old Testament and then dissects each of the Ten Commandments to showcase how they apply to Christians. A bit longer than the usual CQS booklet, this is a good book to read for Christians new and old, especially those that have questions about the law and how it applies to us today.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God bless!

Book Review: Crucial Questions Series #30 – Does God Exist? by R.C. Sproul


The existence of the God of the Bible is a major topic of debate in today’s postmodern world. But is there actual proof of God’s existence or is it a leap of faith? Using philosophical arguments from across the centuries, explore the question ‘Does God exist?’ with R.C. Sproul. Sproul uses clear language to explore the concepts of philosophers like Kant and Sartre, though this book is a bit weightier and more complex than most of the Crucial Questions Series. Still, if you are a person searching for the reason behind belief in God or a Christian who wants to explore the more philosophical arguments for the existence of God, this is a good steppingstone into a difficult topic.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

If you want to see my full reading list, read, currently reading, and want-to-read, visit my Goodreads here.

God bless!