Book Review: Addicted to Busy – Recovery for the Rushed Soul by Brady Boyd


Busyness seems to be the curse of the modern era. Between technological advances that put more information in your hand than ever before and the fact that we can simply keep working even when we’re no longer at work, we are constantly bombarded with more and more. But the pace of life has increased to a breakneck speed, and more and more people are crashing, including well-meaning Christians who believe that they must constantly do. How can we escape the never-ending, ever-growing, all-consuming to do list that shouts to be done? Believe it or not, God offers the answer.

In Addicted to Busy, a pastor who has struggled with busyness lays out his story to teach the importance of rest. God actually commands rest in the Bible, and in doing so he calls us to deny ourselves. In our fallen world, we constantly fill our lives with things to ‘do’ while not taking the time to ‘be.’ But we are human beings, not human doings, and rest is a key feature in being.

This book is fantastic. Instead of a list of do’s and don’ts, Addicted to Busy lays out why rest is important. Other than a few broad guidelines for Sabbath rest, the author doesn’t hammer in thou-shalts and thou-shalt-nots. The best definition of rest I have ever heard of is contained in these pages, and I recommend it to everybody who has ever struggled with being too busy. If you’re desperate to slow down and rest, the challenges in this book are worth visiting and looking over. And maybe linger for a while. Because while the world commands you to be busy, rest is commanded by God.

If you would like to purchase my book 9 Ways to Normal, you can find it here.

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God Bless!

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